The National Board of Accreditation (NBA) is one of the two major bodies responsible for accreditation of higher education institutions in India, along with the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). NBA accredits technical programs, such engineering and management programs, while NAAC accredits general colleges and universities. NBA is a full member of the Washington Accord.
The NBA accredits programs and not institutes. These include diplomas, undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Accredited fields include engineering & technology, management, pharmacy, architecture, applied arts and crafts, computer applications and hospitality and tourism management.
While accreditation is voluntary, in 2017 the AICTE announced that it will not provide approval for institutes which failed to accredit at least half of their programs.
AIMT is NBA certified for two of its programs: Computer Science & Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.Presently only 12 Private Colleges and 6 Govt. Technical Institutes in Uttar Pradesh have valid NBA Accreditation.
Accreditation by NBA promotes and recognizes excellence in technical education in colleges and universities – at both the undergraduate and post graduate levels. Institutions, students, employers, and the public at large all benefit from the external verification of quality provided through the NBA accreditation process. They also benefit from the process of continuous quality improvement that is encouraged by the NBA’s developmental approach to promote excellence in technical education. Through accreditation, the following main purposes are served:
Improved Student Performanceusing Outcome-based Education (OBE) as a metric. NBA measures student’s outcomes based on their knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Besides, the high-defined curriculum, extraordinary lab facilities and industry experiences give students a tremendous exposure that makes them employment-ready.
- NBA accreditation assures that the graduates of courses accredited by NBA possess enough academic background for going ahead with their professional career in IT, engineering and computer-related disciplines, or engineering technology.
- NBA accreditation promotes new and innovative methods in engineering and associated fields education system, provides consultation and guidelines for educational programs.
- NBA provides feedback to educational institutes for the improvement/ development of educational programs.
- NBA accreditation demonstrates accountability to the public or people.
- The accreditation of NBA clearly indicates the commitment to excellence.
- NBA accreditation plays a vital role in facilitating constant quality improvement in higher learning institutes.
- NBA accreditation recognises the innovations and achievements of higher learning institutes.
- The accreditation of NBA helps higher educational institutes to know their strengths, weaknesses and opportunities.