Placement Do’s and Dont’s



  • a) Placed CSE/IT students can appear for product based company with Higher Package as Dream Status Company.
  • b) Once the student is placed with a product/core based company, he/she will not be allowed to appear in any other company.
  • c) Students from Core branches placed in software companies will be allowed to appear in Core companies.
  • d) Students may get multiple offers due to non-disclosure of the result in time by the company.




The role of the Training and Placement department is of a facilitator and counselor for placement related activities.


  • All full time final year students (Final semester only) including B.Tech, MBA and Diploma of AIMT shall be eligible to participate in the recruitment process for placements through the Training and Placement (T&P) department, AIMT except those:
  1. Students who have to clear their arrears in any subjectin the final year.
  2. Who have willingly opted out of the final placement process.
  3. Who have any financial arrears/dues.
  • All students eligible for campus placement process have to register themselves and provide written consent with T&P department.


  • The eligible students are required to provide their soft copy of CV and a photograph to the T & P department.
  • It is expected that a student shall NOT add any ambiguous/wrong/fraudulent/misleading information in his/her resume. Resume checks will continue throughout the placement process.
  • If, on verification, any discrepancies are found, the student would be de-barred from placements. This may also attract strict disciplinary action.


  • All applications to the companies are to be made only through the Training and Placement department, AIMT. If a student does not apply through T&P department, for a particular company, he/she will not be allowed to participate in the selection process of that company.
  • A student can apply to a maximum of 05 companies in Campus Placement process till completion of his final year of B.Tech/MBA. A warning would be issued as one crosses 03application. The quota status and the number of companies the student may further apply to will be constantly available on the ERP page. Please check it after every application/withdraw and report discrepancy to the HOD, T&P.
  • Students can apply to various companies after his/her seventh semester exams in B.Tech, third semester exams in MBA and fifth semester exams in Diploma.
  • After a student has exhausted his/her quota of 05 applications and desires to make further applications:
  1. He/she will be required to approach his/her Faculty Placement Coordinator and HOD & obtain in writing a letter certifying the need of the student to obtain more applications in a standard format.
  2. Only on receipt of such a request, would T&P department consider and add maximum 02more applications to the student quota of applications.
  3. After a student has exhausted this additional quota assigned to him/her, he/she shall be out of the placement process.


The student may withdraw his/her application from a company on campus subject to the following rules and regulations:

  • The student can withdraw his/her application to a company ONLY if the last date of application to that particular company is NOT over. There can no withdrawals after this date.
  • The student may also reapply to a company that he/she had earlier withdrawn from, provided he/she has not exceeded his/her application quota & application deadline for the company is not over.
  • Each withdrawal from a company (before the last date of application to the company) will increase his/her application quota by one.


  1. Invitations are sent to companies/organizations in the form of brochures with relevant information along with Placement Information Form (PIF) enquiring about the recruitment details. Soft copies of the brochure and PIF are also sent.
  2. The company should fill in the Placement Information Form (PIF) and submit it to the Training and Placement Department either online, as an e-mail attachment or as a hard copy. The PIF serves as an introduction of the job profile for the benefit of the candidates and also informs them of the company’s requirements.
  3. The PIF is electronically broadcasted to all the students along with all the other relevant information furnished by the company.
  4. Once the details are received, the Placement Managers orOfficers get in touch with the company and a mutually convenient date is fixed for the Campus Placement process.
  5. The travel plans are obtained from the company and the necessary arrangements are made as follows:
  • Pickups/Drops from/to the railway station or airport can be arranged by the institution on request.
  • Pickups/Drops from local office to the institution shall be arranged by the college.
  • Accommodation/Food is provided at the institute guest house on Prior Intimation and the costs for these are borne by the college. In case the Company wishes to stay outside the campus, arrangements will be made on request and the cost for the same shall also be borne by the college.
  • OHP, Slide Projector, LCD, Laptop etc. will be provided for the Pre-Placement Talk.
  • Seminar Hall, Conference Hall and Computer Labs will be arranged suitably for the Pre-Placement Talk, Written tests, Online Tests, Group Discussions and Activities and Personal Interviews.
  • If a company desires to hold online tests for the candidates, the arrangements will be made in the computer center on prior intimation. Up to 200 students can take up the online at a time.
  1. The company can ask for the resumes of interested students and has the liberty to shortlist them before the beginning of the         placement process.
  2. The company will be allotted slots and dates with mutual understanding for conducting Pre-Placement Talk (PPT)/Written Test/Online Test, with a request to confirm the same by a specified date. On failing to do so, the allotted slot may be given to other companies on their request. Request for any change in the slot can be entertained subject to its availability.
  3. The company may also, if interested, conduct selections for summer internship during this period.
  4. T & P departmentmay advise the companies to conduct a presentation before the recruitment process for final placement of students. This will provide ample time to the students for making a considered decision in joining the company. Early conduct of Written/Online test may facilitate the company in earning an early slot for final placement.

10.In case the company finds it inconvenient to visit the campus twice for going through its complete selection process, it can be accommodated to carry out the entire selection process, including PPT, during final placement season on a mutually agreed date. However, in such a situation it may not be possible to accommodate the company in the early days of the final placement season.

11.The final placement process (Aptitude Test/Technical round/Group Discussion (GD)/Interview) shall start during or after the end of 7th semester of B.Tech/ 3rd semester of MBA/5th semester of Diploma.

12.The company shall visit the campus on scheduled date and conduct the Written/OnlineTest/GD/Interview as part of their selection procedure during the slot assigned to them. It is important to understand that, on the same date, another company may be scheduled before/after hours and any shift is bound to cause inconvenience to our self and others as well. So, the T & P departmentmust be very careful in organizing such events on the same day.

13.The Institute shall follow“One Student One Job” policy, other than low paid jobs.

14.B.Tech/MBA students – One student is allowed to secure only one job if the gross package is more than 2 lakh per annum for B.Tech/MBA students. If the gross amount offered is less than or equal to 2 lakh per annum, he/she is eligible to apply for a company whose gross amount is more than 2 lakh per annum. And therefore after one secures a job with gross greater than 2 lakh per annum, one would be automatically deregistered from that day onwards.

15.Diploma students – One student is allowed to secure only one job if the gross package is more than 1.2 lakh per annum for Diploma students. If the gross amount offered is less than or equal to 1.2 lakh per annum, he/she is eligible to apply for a company whose gross amount is more than 1.2 lakh per annum. And therefore after one secures a job with gross greater than1. 2 lakh per annum, one would be automatically deregistered from that day onwards.

16.As more than one company would be visiting the campus, there may be a possibility that one student secures more than one job on the same day. Therefore,

Each eligible student will be required to fill up his/her individual preferences in advance for each placement day, ranking the companies he/she has applied to/ has been shortlisted on a particular day, in the descending order of his/her choice. The preferences are editable till a day before by 23:59 hrs.

  • These preferences shall be used in case:
  • The student gets selected in more than one company on the same placement day.
  • A company wants to make an on-the-spot offer to the student before the selection procedure for the day is over.
  • In case a student gets selected in 2 or more companies on the same day, then the company ranked higher in the preference order of the student will be the one where the student would be finally considered placed.
  • In case a student does not fill the preference order for a placement day, then the allotment will be down by the electronic system and he/she will NOT be allowed to continue to appear for the placement process of the other companies.
  • It is therefore advised that one MUST register their preference ASAP.
  1. Dream Company – The students will be offered only one opportunity for their “Dream Company”, in case they have any, to appear for, during the entire process of final placement. This will be in addition to the company where he/she has already been selected, but not joined. This will be applicable, only when the candidate has not received any previous offer with an annual package of Rs. 3 Lacs per annum. If a candidate has already been offered and accepted, any job with Rs. 3 Lacs or more annual package, then that offer would be considered his/her “Dream Company” offer, and he/she shall be out of the Placement process.
  2. In case a company does not give its final selection list on the same day it visits the campus, then the students will be allowed to appear in other companies visiting on subsequent days till they finally get selected. However, if a student has already been selected by a company that came on the subsequent day & the company that deferred its decision also makes an offer to him/her later on, then:
  • The student will be given an option to choose between company of the previous day and the company of the day.

19.In case the result of the company (which deferred its selection process) gives its result on a day later than the day when the student was selected by another company, this late offer will be rejected and the company would be informed.

20.The final selection results are to be submitted to the T & P department by the end of the assigned slot. The T & P department in turn, will inform the related students. Students with multiple offers will be required to finalize their option for one company and inform T & P department within half an hour from the end of the slot. His/her choice would be informed to all the concerned companies. In this situation, to ensure that the company does not suffer on the front of recruitment, the company is suggested to prepare a list of students, in order of their merit, who can be kept waitlisted. Any drop out from the main-list will enable movement of the waitlisted candidates to the list of selected candidates and the company will be informed of the same.

21.The company is required to send offer letters to T & P department, who will then hand it over to the concerned students. Such letters are expected to reach the department before the end of final semester of B.Tech/MBA.

  1. Acceptance of offers:
  • Selected students would get the offer either in hard copy or through E-mail. After this stage the student would be required to accept the offer by accepting the same either through duplicate hard copy or e-mail within 24 hours of declaration of the result. In case the offer is not accepted within 24 hours, the same would get communicated to the company through its online account with T&P.
  • Whether one accepts or does not, one would not be allowed to participate further. It is advised that the students accept the offer immediately through the T&P department.
  • The Department recommends offers to be made on the spot after the process with a letter of confirmation signed by the visiting company representatives. Short listed or waitlisted candidates will be allowed to sit for the companies that follow as long as their confirmation is put on hold.


  1. Absenteeism rules and policy during semester at the campus:
  • Those students who have opted for Final Placement process have to maintain minimum 75% attendance during their regular classes of PDP/Aptitude and Technical Training, along with their core subjects. Any student falling short of 75% attendance in any of the above classes shall not be permitted to appear in final placement process, unless an emergency case with justified reasons and valid documents.
  • CoCubes Test – It is mandatory for all the students, who opted for Final Placement, to appear in all the tests, as conducted by, especially the PRE-ASSESS. Those students who miss out any test, without valid reasons and documents, shall face necessary disciplinary actions.
  • Those students who opt for Final Placement, but remain absent during any of the CoCubes Test, without valid reasons and documents, shall be debarred from the Final Placement process.
  1. Absenteeism rules and policy during Final Placement process:
  • For absenteeism in any recruitment related test, interview or any selection process, after the issue of Hall Ticket, which an applicant has to attend as part of a company’s selection procedure, the following minimum penal action would apply:
    • Absence of first time – Warning to be issued and feedback marked in ERP.
    • Absence of second time – Fine of Rs. 2000/-
    • Absence of third time – Debarred from campus placement

Re-registration requests will not be entertained at any cost.A fine of Rs. 10,000 would be imposed on students who are absent in pre-registered On or Off Campusplacement events

  1. If for whatever reasons the student remains absent from any stage/round of selection process he/she would be immediately de-registered from T&P and would not be allowed to take part in the placement process.
  2. Impersonation in tests or any kind of malpractice is a serious offence. Such students would be deregistered immediately and also will be referred to the concerned authorities for disciplinary action.
  3. A list of companies coming on-campus for recruitment shall be put up on the T&P website/shall be intimated to the students through e-mail/WhatsApp/respective branches and will be published on the College Notice board. Students must NOT apply to any of these companies off-campus, as under an accord of mutual understanding between the companies and AIMT, companies would notify T&P departmentwhenever they receive an off-campus application from any of AIMT students. In all such cases, suitable action as per the institute rules would be initiated apart from the candidates being deregistered.
  4. Students are NOT allowed to appear in final selection process (Aptitude or Technical test/GD/interview etc) of companies they have not applied to through the T&P department or have not been shortlisted in those companies. Students must refrain from contacting personnel of such companies when they are on-campus. Violation of this will attract deregistration and suitable disciplinary action.


  • Under any circumstances the placement facilitation fee shall not be refunded, or adjusted against any other accounts, once the student has given his/her placement consent.
  • The following policy shall follow as a mode of appreciation on behalf of the college management:
  • The Placement facilitation fee of Rs. 6000/- (Rupees Six thousand only) shall be refunded to all those students who secure 75% and above, during the PRE-ASSESS test conducted by (Applicable only to B.Tech students)
  • The Placement facilitation fee shall be refunded to the students, in case, the Training & Placement department fails to organize minimum three campus placement interviews (On or Off the campus)related to the Core branch. Applicable to B.Tech, MBA and Diploma students.


  • It will be a compulsory process for the T & P department to introduce the visiting guests/interview team to the head of the institution/Director/Director General, upon their arrival in the campus.


  • Necessary travel arrangements (Flight – Business Class/ Train – 2nd or 3rdC.) shall be arranged, as per the requirement and availability, by the T & P department, in coordination with Corporate office. The concerned TPO shall intimate about this at least 30 days in advance.
  • In case the travel arrangements have been done by the concerned interviewing organization, the same shall be reimbursed by the corporate office, immediately on arrival, upon submission of original tickets on the same day.
  • Local Travel details shall be provided by the T & P department to the admin coordinator at least two days in advance for arrangement of cab.
  • Pick and drop facilities for the concerned HR shall be provided by the Admin coordinator, upon the request of T & P department in advance.
  • It is recommended that a Car – 5 Seater (AC Car) shall be made available to the visiting recruiters.


  • T & P department, in coordination with corporate office, shall arrange accommodation for the outstation interview panel/individuals.
  • The accommodation shall be arranged in a pre tie-up 2/3 star hotels/guest house only with all the necessary facilities. A member of the T & P department (which may include the Placement Faculty coordinators/Students Placement coordinators) will ensure the availability of all such facilities in the concerned Hotel/Guest House by visiting there a day before their Check-in.
  • Bill reimbursement of hotel to be made immediately on submission of original bills/receipt. The concerned TPO will be responsible to ensure this, in coordination with corporate office.
  • The payment clearance in respect of the hotel accommodation expenses/ food bills must be made within 10 working days upon receipt of the said bills by the accounts department.


  • Depending upon the requirement of the day of interview, necessary arrangements shall be done by the Admin Coordinator, in coordination with T & Pdepartment for breakfast, lunch or dinner along with morning & evening snacks/tea.
  • The admin coordinator, shall, in advance, depute a responsible person on behalf of admin team, to facilitate the food arrangements.


  • On completion of the interview process, each member of the visiting organization shall be handed over a memento, on behalf of the college, by the Director, as a goodwill gesture.


  • Students are expected to be in proper uniform/formal dress code during interview process, as per the requirement, failing which they will be de-barred from the placement process.
  • Students must clear all their financial dues before appearing in final placement.
  • Students must clear all their academic arrears beforeappearing in final placement.
  • Students must provide their updated contact numbers and mail ids to the T & P department so that necessary information can be circulated to them immediately.
  • Students must check their mails regularly / keep in touch with Faculty Placement Coordinators/Student’s Placement Committee for updates regarding final placement.
  • Students must go through the JD sent to them for final placement and prepare in advance, i.e, get to know in details about the company, job profile etc.
  • Students must collect their Hall Tickets before appearing in any interview. No student shall be permitted to appear in any interview without their Hall Ticket duly signed by the CGM.
  • Students must work hard regularly to gain technical expertise through updated training at various levels so as to maximize their chances for selection.
  • Students must attend PDP/Soft skills/Life skills/Aptitude related classes at the institution regularly to keep themselves trained as per the need of the industry.
  • Students must carry their I-cards at all times during interviews & screening tests. No one would be allowed to enter the test/interview venue without the I-card.
  • The date/time/venue of the interviews will be subject to changes which, at times, may be at a short notice. Students must keep themselves well informed by visiting the T&P department.
  • Students must carry a complete file with a few copies of the resume, original certificates (if possible) and copies thereof while appearing for the interviews.
  • At the time of appearing for interviews, students MUST carry copies of the resume only as was submitted to that company online & NO other resume. Discrepancies in resumes are not appreciated by companies and may become a cause for rejection.
  • No student will contact any official of the recruiting company directly for any purpose. This includes forwarding of resumes for consideration etc. All communication shall be channelized through placement representatives of T & P department, AIMT.
  • If the student who is not already employed, is found to be absent in three ON/OFF campus recruitments, his name will be deleted from the active list of registered students and the concerned HOD shall obtain a letter from him with his statement of unwillingness to participate in the further campus recruitments.
  • It is compulsory for every interested candidate to attend the Pre -Placement Talk of a company in formals for which he / she has applied otherwise he / she will not be allowed to sit in the placement process of that company.
  • Under no circumstances should a student negotiate with a company executive about CTC offered during the course of the selection process. Any student violating this norm will be liable to strict disciplinary action.
  • The students shall be prepared to attend off campus interviews being arranged by the T & P department, AIMT at any other place as situation demands at their own expenses.
  • Students must carry their HALL Ticket issued by the T & P department, at least a day in advance to avoid any inconvenience. No student shall be permitted to appear in the campus placement process without HALL TICKET issued for that particular organization.
  • The student Placement committee co-coordinators shall work as an interface between the T & P department, respective branches (Including the branch HOD and Placement Faculty coordinators) and the students of the respective branches.
  • They will be responsible for developing and nurturing relationships with companies for both recruitment and non-recruitment related activities. These include actively engaging companies on a regular basis, handling operations during the Placement week and acting as a conduit for Organizations and Industry Leaders to interact with students through Placement Talks and Live Corporate/Industry Projects. This will enable them to learn organizing skills, Communication and networking at various level, Team spirit and leadership qualities.
  • The student Placement committee co-coordinators shall maintain 100% attendance unless there is an emergency. In case of any emergency they will inform their Faculty Placement coordinators along with their HOD, who in turn, will inform the CGM.
  • They will ensure full attendance of students of their respective branches at all times, especially during PDP/Soft/Life skills, or Aptitude classes.
  • They will prepare the training report (Technical/PDP/Soft/Life skills) of their branches and discuss with their Faculty Placement coordinators, branch HOD and CGM on a weekly basis.
  • They must be active on social media, like – Face book, WhatsApp, Twitter and other social platform for the latest updates of the industry and must share the relevant practices with their classmates.
  • They will travel within and outside city, as and when required, for placement related activities.
  • The members of Students’ Placement Committee will be a part of the STEP for the complete academic year.
  • They will have to attend all the meetings/assignments of T & P Cell, as per the requirement. The concerned HODs shall permit them for the above purpose.
  • In case of any misconduct, indiscipline or unpunctual behavior by any member of the STEP, he/she will be immediately sacked and replaced by another member of the same branch/stream.