The Ambalika Academy of Advanced Robotics is at the forefront of innovation in the field of Robotics. We have collaborated with KUKA Industrial Robotics of Germany, the leading supplier of intelligent automation solutions to provide out students with practice-oriented training on industry-standard hardware and software: realistic expertise which supplements the students’ theoretical education.
KUKA Robotics, Germany, is the largest manufacturer of Industrial robots in the world. India is rapidly adopting robotics in industrial production and KUKA’s key clientele in India include most of the major automobile and other engineering as well as non-engineering companies, such as TATA Motors, Volkswagon, BMW, Audi etc.Robotics is a high end technology stream witnessing rapid development and is being deployed extensively in Industrial production creating large employment potential for robotics trained and certified engineers.
KUKA Robotics, Germany, is the largest manufacturer of Industrial robots in the world. India is rapidly adopting robotics in industrial production and KUKA’s key clientele in India include most of the major automobile and other engineering as well as non-engineering companies, such as TATA Motors, Volkswagon, BMW, Audi etc.Robotics is a high end technology stream witnessing rapid development and is being deployed extensively in Industrial production creating large employment potential for robotics trained and certified engineers.

About – Kuka Robotics (Germany)
KUKA Robotics Pvt. Ltd is 100% subsidiary of KUKA Roboter GmbH, based in Augsburg, Germany. KUKA is the world leader in industrial robots technologies. KUKA Robotics (Germany) is part of the worldwide operating KUKA Robot Group. KUKA Robotics (Germany) Private Limited was incorporated in India in May 2006. With Indian operations headquartered in Gurgaon, KUKA India has a state of the art Service and research and training centre in Pune.
Website: www.kuka-robotics.com/india/en/
KUKA Collaboration With Our Institute
Ambalika Institute of Management &Technology, jointly signed MOU with KUKA Robotics has set up India’s third Industrial Robotics research and training Centre for Educational Institution at Hotel India Awadh. The AIMT-KUKA research and training Centre is setup to produce highly skilled technical manpower in the field of Industrial Robotics. The trained manpower will help Indian Manufacturing Industry to adopt latest technologies to improve quality and work condition with high productivity
Kuka has established its 3rd Industrial Training centre in INDIA at the Ambalika Centre of Excellence,Lucknow with KUKA KR 16-2. The robot at Ambalika is the most popular KUKA industrial robot used in training worldwide having a payload of 16 kg with 6 axis movement and a reach of over 1.6 meters. Classes are conducted in fully equipped audio visual classrooms and trainees get extensive hands-on practical experience on KUKA KR 16-2.
AIMT-KUKA own license for KUKA.Sim Pro is a unique program for creating 3D layouts for systems with KUKA robots. Any number of layouts and concepts can be simulated and investigated with ease. Ideal for engineering and for system integrators.

Objectives Of The Course
The Training in Designed two parts – Basic and Advance.
1. Basic Robot Programming
The objective of Basic Robot Programming is to acquaint the trainees with basic concept of programming of the robot systems. This includes safety instructions for robots, Knowledge and usage of the coordinate systems, Methods of tool calibration and tool payload, basic concepts of robot programming, operation of robot system and Robot Simulation on SimPro software.
2. Advance Robot Programming
Building on the Basic level training, Robot Programming is extended and covered in great detail and depth. The main emphasis of this training module is on the high level programming language KRL and on structuring and documentation of Robot Programs.