This society was setup to showcase innovative projects addressing social challenges, demonstrating entrepreneurial action for sustainable impact. Participants will get the leverage of business acumen to create positive change in local communities.

Teacher Coordinators

  1. Swati Srivastava
  2. Princee Singh

Student Coordinators

  1. 1. Katyayani Upadhaya
  2. Vaibhav Rai 

Activities Promoted

Debates, Model United Nations

Registration and Auditions: Competitors typically need to register for the competition in advance. Some competitions require auditions to select participants, particularly for larger events or prestigious competitions. Auditions help ensure the quality of performances and manage the number of participants.  

Judging Criteria: Competitions employ a panel of qualified judges who assess performances based on specific criteria. These criteria may include

Presentation Skills

Innovative Ideas

Pursuing abilities


Leadership Qualities

Rounds and Eliminations: Depending on the competition format, there may be multiple rounds and elimination stages. In preliminary rounds, dancers or groups perform their routines, and the judges select the top-scoring acts to proceed to subsequent rounds. Semi-finals and finals showcase the highest-scoring performers, culminating in the announcement of winners.  

Awards and Prizes:  These include trophies, medals, certificates.. 

Performance Opportunities: Being an active member of the society, really helps in grooming  of personality of students.

 Growth and Learning:  To inspire students to take entrepreneurial action to improve the lives of others.